Way to go, SPPA Family!
Way to go to our wonderful St. Paul’s staff, students, and parents! Over the past few weeks a lot of changes have been made in regards to how schools can continue, and our staff and parents have risen to the occasion! When it became necessary for students to remain at home, we provided them with everything they needed to continue learning at home. After that, our teachers got to work finding new ways to continue teaching remotely. We are proud to say that all of our students are still learning on schedule and they are continuing to grow academically! Our teachers have been recording online lectures and digital content, while also providing assignments electronically. Many of our teaches have also facetimed with students. Despite learning from home, students are making progress and they are interacting with their teachers on a regular basis. So even though we cannot currently be together in person, we are still working together to move forward and make progress! Thank you to all of our staff who have worked so diligently to ensure that the students will keep learning. Thank you to all of the parents who are helping their students and teachers in any way they can. We have the best school family at St. Paul’s and we are praying that we will be back together soon!